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Retrofit / Amortization

Amortization of your retrofitted automation

Example 1: NLX 2500 with MATRIS

Retrofit Example

1-shift operation
= 1,560 spindle hours per year*

Retrofit Example
Amortisation in >7 Months

3-shift operation
= 4,680 spindle hours per year*

  • 2 × additional unmanned shifts per day (< 19 months amortization for machine & automation)
Amortisation in >4 Months

24/7 operation
= 6,552 spindle hours per year*

  • 2 × additional unmanned shifts per day
    (< 19 months for machine & automation)
  • 6 × additional unmanned shifts at the weekend
    (< 12 months for machine & automation)

*NLX 2500 with MATRIS (stacking magazine, 20 pallets) – Simplified calculation with 75 % spindle hours:
1-shift: 52 weeks × 5 days × 8 h x 0.75 = 1,560 h/a // 3-shift: 52 weeks × 5 days × 24 h × 0.75 = 4,680 h/a // 24/7: 52 weeks × 7 days × 24 h × 0.75 = 6,552 h/a
30 €/h labor costs

Example 2: DMU 75 monoBLOCK with PH Cell 300

Retrofit Example

1-shift operation
= 1,560 spindle hours per year*

Retrofit Example
Amortisation in >9 Months

3-shift operation
= 4,680 spindle hours per year*

  • 2 × additional unmanned shifts per day (< 19 months amortization for machine & automation)
Amortisation in >6 Months

24/7 operation
= 6,552 spindle hours per year*

  • 2 × additional unmanned shifts per day
    (< 19 months for machine & automation)
  • 6 × additional unmanned shifts at the weekend
    (< 12 months for machine & automation)

*DMU 75 monoBLOCK with PH Cell 300 (40 pallet positions) – Simplified calculation with 75 % spindle hours:
1-shift: 52 weeks × 5 days × 8 h x 0.75 = 1,560 h/a // 3-shift: 52 weeks × 5 days × 24 h × 0.75 = 4,680 h/a // 24/7: 52 weeks × 7 days × 24 h × 0.75 = 6,552 h/a
30 €/h labor costs

Retrofit automations for your existing machines*

Retrofit matrix

*Possibility of retrofit depends on machine preparation, e.g. automation interface

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Torsten Zwerenz
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  • One contact for everything
  • CE certification

Want to know more?

Just contact us to discuss what this could do for your business …

Torsten Zwerenz,
Head of Global Service Systems
DMG MORI Global Service GmbH

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