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Digital twin
of your entire shopfloor:
Reliable bridge between
CAM and machines

Postprocessor & Highlights

  • Dedicated post-processor to generate NC programs that match DMG MORI machine
  • DMG MORI machines’ specific functions are supported
  • Application Tuning Cycle:
    Large reduction in roughing machining time


Screenshot cutting force optimization


  • Cutting force optimization function to optimally control machining conditions 1
  • Controlled cutting force reduced machining time by 20 % and tool breakage 2
  • Simulation results of cutting force can be checked graphically
  • Identify areas with high cutting loads that can lead to tool breakage in advance


  • Accurate machining simulation for NC programs
  • Interference check function to prevent interference during machining, interference areas are displayed in red
  • Time study function for accurate cycle time estimation
  • Comparison function between CAD-designed 3D model and simulated cutting geometry
  • Supports not only programs created with CAD / CAM, but also simulations using the MAPPS conversational programming function 3, 4
Screenshot machining simulation

1 Only available in Optimization Edition
2 The values listed may not be obtained depending on the type of machining
3 SIEMENS conversational programming software, ShopMILL, and ShopTURN are not supported
4 Can also be used for NC programs created with your own CAD / CAMs

CELOS DYNAMICpost is available for these models

Post processor compatible CAD / CAM

  • Mastercam

Supported machine models and CAD / CAM will be expanded sequentially


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