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Your contact to DMG MORI


  • Turning, milling and grinding in one set-up
  • Process reliability and economy due to elimination of special machines and reduced grinding allowance
  • Grinding cycles for internal, external and surface grinding, polygonal and oval grinding as well as dressing cycles
  • Simple dressing and optimised commissioning with the aid of structure-borne sound sensors
  • Excellent surface quality through integration of grinding technology
  • Intuitive and 60% faster programming through conversational programming – DMG MORI technology cycles


Connecting rod

Connecting rod

  • EN-GJS-600-3, 100Cr6
  • Engineering
  • 704 × 368 × 128 mm


  • Inconell 718
  • Aerospace
  • ø 400 × 70
Worm Shaft

Worm shaft

  • 16MnCr5
  • Engineering
  • ø 175 × 380 mm


  • 16MnCr5
  • Engineering
  • ø 250 × 1,000 mm


Process chain

> 65 % more productive*

  • Conventional process
    = 3 single-purpose machines
  • CTX TC or DMU / DMC FD
    = 1 machine

* Calculation is based on a specific example, using selected products and procedures. Deviations are possible and depend on numerous variables.

Grinding on CTX TC

CTX TC – Grinding technology on Turn & Mill machines

  • Turning, milling and grinding in one set-up
  • Grinding cycles for internal, external and surface grinding, dressing cycles, as well as structure-borne sound sensor technology for start-up and dressing
  • Fully integrated measuring gauge for relative and absolute LIVE measurement during grinding, with measurement repeatability up to 0.8 μm – while machining is in progress
  • Surface accuracy < 0.4 μm
  • Roundness < 5 μm
  • Quality IT5 for ø > 30 mm

DMU / DMC FD – Grinding technology on milling (turning) machines.

  • Grinding cycles for internal, external and surface grinding, as well as surface grinding cycle for grinding of long components or paths
  • Dressing cycles, as well as structure-borne noise sensors for start-up and dressing
  • AKZ nozzle unit is optionally available for best possible flushing of the grinding gap
  • Surface accuracy < 0.4 μm
  • Roundness < 5 μm
  • Quality 5 for ø < 120 mm // Quality 4 for ø > 120 mm
Grinding on DMU/DMC FD



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