... from premium 5-axis MX solutions – even on “3-axis parts”
Replace your old 3-axis milling machine with a new 5-axis solution! Benefit from increased productivity and flexibility, as well as from reduced cost for energy and operation.
Start with a part and explore different options for different benefits.
Step 1: Choose a typical high volume or jobshop part example
Minimum Manning: An operator supports the cell - only when a known task exists, they are free to support other factory activities if there is no system task needed.
* ASSUMPTION: // 80% of machine capacity used// Book value: 0.0 $ for (>) 10 years old machines // 76,000 $ for 5 year old machines
// Replacement of 1x 3-axis machinewith 1x 5-axis machine (+automation)// Revenue for selling old machine is not included // Potential tax savings not included