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DED / DED hybrid


DED hybrid - Turning, Milling and Additive Manufacturing on 5-axis Turn-Mill machines
  • The laser deposition head is handled by a fully automatic shuttle without manual intervention
  • Up to 1 kg build-up rate per hour (depending on material): 5-axis material deposition by coaxial nozzle for homogeneous powder distribution, independent of direction of laser deposition welding
  • Fibre-guided diode laser with 3,000 W power and 600 µm fibre diameter as standard
  • Optional with fibre guided laser with 2 kW and blue wavelength (450 nm), perfect for highly reflecting materials like copper
  • AM Assistant for excellent process reliability and comprehensive traceability, as well as powder feed rate sensor and automatic powder calibration
  • Integrated thermal imaging camera for observation of the whole working area, adaptive process control and constant monitoring of the working distance
DED hybrid - Turning, Milling and Additive Manufacturing on 5-axis Turn-Mill machines


2-channel heat exchanger

2-channel heat exchanger

  • CuAl10 / 316L
  • Energy
  • ø 200 × 250 mm
Die Cast Core

Die cast core

  • Ferro 55 + CuAl10
  • Die & Mold
  • 120 × 82 × 123 mm
Crank Shaft

Crank shaft (coating)

  • Cobalt alloy
  • Marine
  • ø 600 × 3,200 mm
Rocket Nozzle

Rocket nozzle

  • SUS316L
  • Aerospace
  • ø 450 × 470 mm


monoBLOCK & DED hybrid – Milling and Additive Manufacturing on 5-axis universal milling machines

  • LASERTEC 65 DED hybrid Workpieces up to ø 500 × 400 mm // 600 kg
  • LASERTEC 125 DED hybrid Workpieces up to ø 1,250 × 745 mm // 2,000 kg
  • Milling: speedMASTER spindles up to 20,000 rpm and 130 Nm
  • 5-axis machining: NC swivelling rotary table with A-axis: +120°/-120 and 360° C-axis
  • Mill-turning option for the LASERTEC 65 DED hybrid for integrated turning up to 1,200 rpm

NTX / NT & DED hybrid – Turning, Milling and Additive Manufacturing on 5-axis Turn-Mill machines

  • LASERTEC 3000 DED hybrid: Workpieces up to ø 670 × 1,519 mm
  • LASERTEC 6600 DED hybrid: Workpieces up to ø 1,010 × 3,702 mm
  • Tool magazine for up to 3 different AM laser nozzles
  • 6-sided complete machining of components at the main and counter spindles with subsequent welding of the built components
  • Milling machining: B-axis with compactMASTER turning-milling spindle up to 20,000 rpm and 132 Nm
    (LASERTEC 6600 DED hybrid: turn & mill spindle with 8,000 rpm and 302 Nm)
  • Turning at the main and counter spindles
AM Evaluator screenshot

AM Evaluator

Visualisation of the relevant process data (e. g. meltpool size, powder mass flow) as a digital 3D-model as well as in the chronological sequence.

Siemens NX

Hybrid CAD / CAM module for programming additive and subtractive machining.

Siemens NX screenshot



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